After successful results based on the engraving in time technique we attempt to proceed even further. We propose to use this technique to accomplish the Circumnavigation in Time project. To do this we plan to produce 24 camera-systems (similar to presented in Figure 1), which will be distributed around the world in almost each time zone, in order to cover all longitudes. Exactly the same program (code) will be uploaded to all systems. It will execute the same sequence of openings and closings. While some areas of the Earth's surface are illuminated by direct light from the Sun, at the same time the antipodes are not. Therefore, longitudinally distributed cameras will register different parts of the sentence. We plan to „engrave” the sentence, which will be simple, universal and manifest a message to mankind. It will combine scientific and artistic content, their mutual relations and intersections. It will reflect our motivation of executing the project: our unconscious call of non-rational activity mixed with scientific desire of exploring unknown areas. This sentence will be displayed in rounded exhibition system performing a loop with no beginning neither the end.
The main outcome of the exposition will be 24 solarigraphy pictures. As in each picture a part of the sentence will be visible, we plan to exhibit them in a non standard way. We will set up separated panels, each containing one picture, on a circle of a few meters in diameter. A spectator will be invited to get inside the circle and observe all pictures around him. Thus, the whole sentence will be readable. In this manner we will allow the spectator to undergo circumnavigating in time.
This project is unique because it uses the whole planet Earth as a rotating base. While the solarigraphy is meridian oriented, Circumnavigation in Time is „perpendicular” to it – parallel oriented. Measurements of latitude in the time of Magellanic–Elcano trip were relatively easy: it was about observations of the Polar Star above the horizon. On the contrary, measurements of longitude were complicated. It demanded precise time-keeping using clocks, that in fact was not possible by available devices at those times. Similarly, the solarigraphy is relatively easy. It utilizes low-tech and low-cost pinhole cameras, which can be produced by anyone from everyday use objects. Engraving in time, and thus circumnavigation in time, demand the well designed and sophisticated system for accurate time-keeping. Our system has been tested in the Astronomical Institute for the last few years and meets above mentioned requirements. We have high confidence that our project will be successful.
This project has undoubtedly high outreach potential. It brings scientific content to the public and in this way educates an adult category. In the modern era collaboration between different institutions at international level is extremely important. The project can be used for strengthening existing and/or establishing new partnerships and bilateral contacts.
We would like to encourage a wide range of people to make a simple effort to interact with science. We found a way of exploiting our professional knowledge and experience in a very creative manner to produce astronomical-based artistic performance. Such attempts are very scarce, and if they appear they originate from the artistic circle rather than from the scientific one. In the framework of this project we want to state that science has to be treated as a part of the culture.